21 research outputs found

    Introducing a Socio-Technical Perspective on Digital Competence Education Through Co-design

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    Digital competence and programming have been part of the Swedish school curricula since 2018. This paper demonstrates how co-design design activities can be conducted as a way to provide digital competence education from a socio-technical perspective. Such activities were conducted with novice designers in three sessions, each with two school classes, from a Swedish engineering upper secondary school program in 2019. The students gained hands-on experience with interaction design and co-design as they designed a mobile application using a Wizard-of-Oz prototyping system and evaluated the prototype with users. This trial is used to argue that time allocation for socio-technical perspectives on digital competence in the Swedish school curricula can be expanded to be able to provide students with a more holistic view of digitization beyond technical issues


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    The Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS) is an annual seminar for In-formation Systems researchers established in 1978. The 45th IRIS was held in conjunction with the 13th Scandinavian Conference of Information Systems (SCIS). The theme of the seminar and conference was Workforce Leadership in the Age of Digital Transformation. The event was hosted in Helsinge, Denmark, from August 14th to 17th 2022. The six papers selected for this 13th issue of the selected papers of the IRIS were nominated by the group chairs and have been subjected to a double-blinded peer-review process before the seminar. Before being included in this issue, the papers were revised based on the working group discussions and the review comments

    Designing for a Repository of Virtual Crisis Management Tabletop Exercises – Lessons Learned from a Scandinavian R&D Project

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    Crisis training exercises play a vital role in preparing local and regional governments for the management of crises and disasters. Unfortunately, conducting sufficient training is demanding, especially in small municipalities, due to constrained time and personnel resources, but also complex planning and scheduling of the dominant on-site training methods. Virtual training has been suggested as a resource-efficient and flexible complement. However, despite numerous specifications of digital technology for training, research on organisational implementation and usage is lacking, indicating a low uptake. This article presents a cross-border R&D effort to facilitate the digitalisation of crisis management training by developing generic virtual tabletop exercises (VTTXs) to be shared via a repository, and (re-)used in, and adapted for, diverse contexts. The purpose of this article is to identify essential aspects in designing and conducting virtual tabletop exercises (VTTXs) for collaborative crisis management training

    Wizards of Oz in the Evolving Map of Design Research – Trying to Frame GUI Interaction Interviews

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    We present and discuss GUI-ii, Graphical User Interface interaction interview, a method used to remotely discuss, develop and test GUI prototypes with users and stakeholders. Examples of such sessions are presented to demonstrate that the main benefits of GUI-ii are that this way of co-designing allows for interaction-informed discussions around functions and user interfaces, where re-design and hands-on experience can be integrated and efficiently carried out remotely. Using a facilitation tool to enact GUI layout and responses allows participation and evaluation to take turns in participatory design processes in a productive way. We discuss this form of Participatory Design along the dimensions found in Sanders’ Map of Design Research. The discussion concludes that GUI-ii facilitates participation by relaxing demands for physical presence and by allowing people to participate from their own work environment while still making it easy for them to directly influence contents, structure and interaction

    Likviditetsrisker i fokus –en studie om de svenska storbankerna och Basel III

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    Bakgrund och problem: De fyra största bankerna i Sverige; SEB, Handelsbanken, Swedbank och Nordea, har under de senaste tio åren vuxit med över 100 procent. Deras sammanlagda tillgångsmassa uppgick i slutet av 2011 till ungefär 13 000 miljarder kronor, vilket motsvarar 375 procent av Sveriges BNP. Innan finanskrisen 2007 stod kapitalet i fokus för bankverksamhetens risker och likviditetsrisken var sparsamt nämnda i både myndigheternas uttalanden och bankernas årsredovisningar. Tillgången till finansiering var så gott som obegränsad och regleringarna få. Under finanskrisen fick många banker problem med sin likviditet, vilket resulterade i en debatt om likviditetsriskerna och snart också ett nytt regelverk så kallat Basel III. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur de svenska storbankernas växande balansomslutningar har påverkat deras likviditetsrisk samt den finansiella stabiliteten i Sverige. Syftet är vidare att undersöka vilka konsekvenser de kommande likviditetsregleringarna i Basel III har fått för de svenska storbankerna. Metod: Åtta stycken djupintervjuer har genomförts med personer som arbetar med likviditetsrisk, dels på de fyra storbankerna och dels på Sveriges Riksbank, Svenska Bankföreningen och Finansinspektionen. Empirin har analyserats med utgångspunkt från en teoretisk referensram som dels behandlar den finansiella stabiliteten i Sverige och dels likviditetsregleringarna i det nya regelverket Basel III. Slutsats: En betydande orsak till de svenska storbankernas ökade balansomslutningar är att utlåningen till allmänheten ökat i snabb takt. Detta behöver inte i sig leda till en ökad likviditetsrisk, men det ställer högre krav på bankens finansiering. Likviditetsmåtten LCR och NSFR i Basel III har tagits fram för att främja en stabilare finansiering. Att bankerna själva ser sig som välkapitaliserade och regleringarna som dyra framkommer i denna studie, men likviditetsriskernas storlek och betydelse för Sveriges finansiella stabilitet kan bankerna inte längre att blunda för. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna studie fokuserar på de stora balansräkningarnas påverkan på likviditetsrisken, och utelämnar därmed flera andra intressanta infallsvinklar. Då likviditetsreserven och löptider på tillgångar och finansiering ligger till grund för likviditetsrisk, skulle fortsatt forskning med fördel kunna gå mer djupgående i dessa två ämnen. Avslutningsvis skulle det vara intressant att göra en studie längre fram i tiden, förslagsvis efter 2018 då samtliga Basel III-regleringar har implementerats. Det är först då en analys av hur regleringarna faktiskt har påverkat bankernas verksamheter kan sammanställas

    Att främja användbarhetsstudier i Uganda : Bidrag till planeringen av ett resurscenter för användbarhetsstudier

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    Usability studies are conducted as a part of the usability engineering process, ensuring the usability of a developing product. Such usability studies can be conducted in a usability laboratory, or at the anticipated context of use. At the School of Computing & Informatics Technology (CIT) at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, plans for usability facilities are being evolved.This study maps what facilities are beneficial for CIT at Makerere University to adapt in order to fulfil the potential stakeholders’ needs, as well as enabling the stakeholders to conduct wanted usability studies. Furthermore, the study presents various usability engineering methods, to be compared with the needs of the stakeholders.26 potential stakeholders of the usability facilities answered two different surveys. The result shows that the stakeholders’ conceptions about usability studies in some cases are misconceptions, why educational activities about usability and usability studies should be planned alongside the development of the facilities. Further the study shows that the facilities must support usability studies conducted in field as well as studies conducted in a controlled laboratory environment. Moreover, the facilities need to provide facilities for testing mobile services, web applications, user interfaces, and provide for stress and load testing

    Using the Wizard-of-Oz technique in requirements engineering processes : A trial in a tourism context

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    The purpose of the study is to explore the possibility to use the experimental prototyping technique called Wizard of Oz as a requirements engineering technique in multimedia development with a focus on how to capture (and test) requirements for system responses in on-going GUI dialogues between user and system. The Wizard-of-Oz technique makes it possible to try interactive prototypes with users or in the development team without needing any programming to be conducted first. In a tourism context interactive prototypes made in the Wizard-of-Oz system called Ozlab were used to produce live answers to tourists. The prototyped information kiosk was offered as a complement to the already running tourist information website. The available surveys and web statistics regarding tourist information system could not provide non-functional requirements. Instead, three interviews and one observation were conducted, leading up to the four experiments where the WOz technique was tried as a requirements engineering technique in addition to the traditional data collection methods. The results of this study show how a graphical Wizard-of-Oz tool can be used as a complement to traditional requirements elicitation methods. The study also shows limitations to WOz based requirements engineering work; subject experts are needed in the wizard team, for example. The study also resulted in several developments of the experimental tool itself; the web feature was exploited much further than originally conceived by the Ozlab developers

    ”Det är lite svårt att sätta fingret på, kan jag tycka…” : -Komplexiteten i att tolka begreppen i skolans stödnivåer samt hur det påverkar likvärdigheten.

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    Enligt läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklass och fritidshemmet 2011 (Lgr11 2019) är skolans uppdrag att ge alla elever det stöd och de anpassningar som krävs för att eleven ska utvecklas och ges förutsättningar för fortsatt lärande. I arbetet med att forma skoldagen för elever i behov av stöd möter skolpersonal olika begrepp i styrdokumenten som ska tolkas och sedan realiseras i verksamheten. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur personer i skolan tolkar och omsätter dessa tolkningar i mötet med eleverna. Vidare var även syftet att undersöka hur dessa tolkningar och hur de realiseras påverkar elevens rätt till en likvärdig utbildning (SFS nr: 2010:800).   I studien intervjuades två lärare, två specialpedagoger och två rektorer för att undersöka hur de tolkade begrepp som ledning och stimulans, extra anpassningar och särskilt stöd samt andra begrepp kopplade till dessa stödnivåer. I intervjuerna ombads respondenterna även att beskriva gränsdragning mellan begreppen samt om och hur de samverkar med andra på skolan i dessa frågor. Slutligen fick respondenterna ge sin bild av hur tolkningsutrymmet i styrdokumenten påverkar rätten till en likvärdig utbildning. Resultatet analyserades utifrån läroplansteorin och ramfaktorteorin.   Resultatet av studien visade att det finns ett stort tolkningsutrymme när det kommer till begrepp och skrivelser som står i styrdokumenten samt att respondenterna tyckte att det var svårt att göra en tydlig gränsdragning. I intervjuerna framkom även att flera av respondenterna inte upplevde att det var tillräckligt tydligt eller att det fanns ett fullgott stöd i styrdokumenten hur dessa begrepp ska tolkas och omsättas i verksamheten. Alla respondenterna var överens som att det finns en överhängande risk för att likvärdigheten brister när det finns ett stort tolkningsutrymme i styrdokumenten vilket leder till att elever i behov av stöd inte får det stöd som de har rätt till. Samverkan och kollegialt lärande kring detta arbete, såväl lokalt som nationellt, lyftes fram som framgångsfaktorer.

    "Do you think I'm prudish?" A discourse psychological analysis of power relations in the TV program Kvartsamtalet

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    This study aimed to examine the power relations in a TV-show called Kvartsamtalet between the host Parisa Amiri and her guests. The empiric material consisted of four programs which were guested by Ebba Busch, Jason Diakité, Anders Ygeman and Nanna Blondell. The material was analyzed with discursive psychology which is a form of discourse analysis that focuses on psychological themes in text, talk, and images. Our study aimed to analyze the talk between Amiri and her guests. The material is analyzed with theories of power by Michel Foucault, performative gender by Judith Butler, theatrical performance by Erving Goffman and intersectionality by Nina Lykke, Paulina De los Reyes and Diana Mulinari. The result of the study shows that power relations through intersectionality mostly is negotiated between identity categories such as gender and ethnicity. The interviews showed that the power relations through intersectionality are both maintained and contradicted by every individual on the show, and the negotiation also takes place in a larger societal perspective. The analysis has shown that power is created in social interaction depending on how individuals talk to each other.

    "Do you think I'm prudish?" A discourse psychological analysis of power relations in the TV program Kvartsamtalet

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    This study aimed to examine the power relations in a TV-show called Kvartsamtalet between the host Parisa Amiri and her guests. The empiric material consisted of four programs which were guested by Ebba Busch, Jason Diakité, Anders Ygeman and Nanna Blondell. The material was analyzed with discursive psychology which is a form of discourse analysis that focuses on psychological themes in text, talk, and images. Our study aimed to analyze the talk between Amiri and her guests. The material is analyzed with theories of power by Michel Foucault, performative gender by Judith Butler, theatrical performance by Erving Goffman and intersectionality by Nina Lykke, Paulina De los Reyes and Diana Mulinari. The result of the study shows that power relations through intersectionality mostly is negotiated between identity categories such as gender and ethnicity. The interviews showed that the power relations through intersectionality are both maintained and contradicted by every individual on the show, and the negotiation also takes place in a larger societal perspective. The analysis has shown that power is created in social interaction depending on how individuals talk to each other.